
Align templated Test Cases to columns.

For non-templated test cases use AlignTestCasesSection transformer.

Enabling the transformer

AlignTemplatedTestCases is not included in default transformers, that’s why you need to call it with --transform explicitly:

robotidy --transform AlignTemplatedTestCases src

Or configure enabled parameter:

robotidy --configure AlignTemplatedTestCases:enabled=True


*** Settings ***
Test Template    Templated Keyword

*** Test Cases ***    baz    qux
# some comment
test1    hi    hello
test2 long test name    asdfasdf    asdsdfgsdfg
*** Settings ***
Test Template    Templated Keyword

*** Test Cases ***      baz         qux
# some comment
test1                   hi          hello
test2 long test name    asdfasdf    asdsdfgsdfg
                        bar1        bar2

Any argument in the same line as test case name will be used as column header for the alignment:

*** Settings ***
Test Template    Dummy

*** Test Cases ***
Test1    ARG1
    [Tags]    sanity
    [Documentation]  Validate Test1
Test2    ARG2
    [Tags]    smoke
    [Documentation]  Validate Test2
*** Settings ***
Test Template    Dummy

*** Test Cases ***
Test1     ARG1
          [Tags]              sanity
          [Documentation]     Validate Test1
Test2     ARG2
          [Tags]              smoke
          [Documentation]     Validate Test2

Align only test case section with named headers#

If you don’t want to align test case section that does not contain header names then configure only_with_headers parameter:

robotidy -c AlignTemplatedTestCases:only_with_headers=True <src>

Fixed width of column#

It’s possible to set fixed minimal width of column. To configure it use min_width parameter:

robotidy --configure AlignTemplatedTestCases:min_width=30 src

This configuration respects up_to_column parameter which only aligns columns up to configured up_to_column column.

*** Test Cases ***    baz    qux
# some comment
test1    hi    hello
test2 long test name    asdfasdf    asdsdfgsdfg
    bar1  bar2
*** Test Cases ***            baz                           qux
# some comment
test1                         hi                            hello
test2 long test name          asdfasdf                      asdsdfgsdfg
                              bar1                          bar2