
List of transformers

To see list of all transformers currently implemented in robotidy run:

robotidy --list

To see description of the transformer run:

robotidy --desc TRANSFORMER_NAME

See Configuring Transformers to learn how transformers can be configured (including disabling and enabling transformers).

Order of transformers

By default all transformers run in the same order. Whether called with:

robotidy src


robotidy --transform ReplaceRunKeywordIf --transform SplitTooLongLine src


robotidy --transform SplitTooLongLine --transform ReplaceRunKeywordIf src

It will transform files according to internal order (in this example ReplaceRunKeywordIf is before SplitTooLongLine). If you want to transform files using different transformer order you need to run transformers separately:

robotidy --transform SplitTooLongLine src
robotidy --transform ReplaceRunKeywordIf src

You can also add --force-order flag to use order provided in cli:

robotidy --force-order --transform SplitTooLongLine --transform ReplaceRunKeywordIf src

External transformers are used last. If you want to change this behaviour (for example run your custom transformer before default ones) you need to use --force-order flag.