
Align *** Test Cases *** section to columns.

_AlignTestCasesSection is included in the default transformers but it can be also run separately with:

robotidy --transform _AlignTestCasesSection src

Align keyword calls and settings into columns with predefined width in non-templated test cases. There are two possible alignment types (configurable via alignment_type):

  • fixed (default): pad the tokens to the fixed width of the column

  • auto: pad the tokens to the width of the longest token in the column

The width of the column sets limit to the maximum width of the column. Default width is 24 (see Widths for information how to configure it).

With fixed alignment each column have fixed width (and tokens that does not fit go into overflow state - see Overflow).

auto alignment align tokens to the longest token in the column - the column width can be shorter than configured width (but no longer).

See examples of the alignment types:

*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    ${short}    Short Keyword    short arg
    ${other_val}    Short Keyword
    ...    arg
    ...    value

The auto alignment often leads to more compact code. But fixed setting offers more stability - adding new, slightly longer variable or keyword call will not change alignment of the other lines.


The column width is configurable via widths parameter. The default value is 24. It’s possible to configure width of the several columns (using comma separated list of integers):

robotidy -c AlignKeywordsSection:widths=20
robotidy -c AlignKeywordsSection:widths=10,10,24,30

The last width will be used for the remaining columns. In previous example we configured widths for the 4 columns. The last width (30) will be used for 5th, 6th.. and following columns.

Use width 0 to disable column width limit. In auto alignment type it will always align whole column to the longest token (no matter how long the token is).


Tokens that do not fit in the column go into overflow state. There are several ways to deal with them (configurable via handle_too_long parameter):

  • overflow (default): align token to the next column

  • compact_overflow: try to fit next token between current (overflowed) token and the next column

  • ignore_rest: ignore remaining tokens in the line

  • ignore_line: ignore whole line

See example (for fixed alignment type and default width 24):

*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    # keyword call Looo.. does not fit default column width (24)
    ${assign}    Looooooooonger Keyword Name    ${argument}    last
    Short    Short    Short    Short
    Multi    ${arg}
    ...    ${arg}

Compact overflow

Compact overflow tries to fit too long tokens between the alignment columns. This behaviour is controlled with compact_overflow_limit = 2 parameter. If more than configured limit columns are misaligned in a row, the overflow mode is used instead of compact_overflow. This behaviour helps in avoiding the situation, where compact_overflow misalign whole line if most of the tokens does not fit in the column.

Below example was run with config:

robotidy -c AlignKeywordsSection:enabled=True:handle_too_long=compact_overflow:widths=24,28,20 src.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    # compact overflow will be used as we only "misalign" two columns in a row
    LäVa_VastaanottotapahtumatTarkista    ${VASTAANOTTO}    ${TILAUS}    ${OSTOTILAUS}    ${LÄHETYS}    ${TILAUSPVM}

    # more than two columns are misaligned - using "overflow" instead
    LäVa_VastaanottotapahtumatTarkista    ${VASTAANOTTO_LONGER}    ${TILAUS_OCC}    ${OSTOTILAUS}    ${LÄHETYS}    ${TILAUSPVM}

Alignment of the indented blocks

Indented blocks (FOR, IF, WHILE, TRY..EXCEPT..) are aligned independently.

*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    ${assign}    Keyword
    FOR  ${var}  IN  1  2  3
       ${variable}    Keyword    ${var}
       Another Keyword
       FOR  ${var2}  IN  1  2  3
           Short   1   2
           ${assign}    Longer Keyword
           ...    ${multiline}    ${arg}
   Keyword Call    ${value}  # aligned together with keyword call before FOR loop

Currently, inline IFs are ignored. Block headers (FOR ${var} IN @{LIST} or IF  $condition) are not aligned.

Split too long lines

AlignTestCasesSection will split the lines if the lines after the alignment would exceed the limits set in the SplitTooLongLine transformer.


Currently, only --configure SplitTooLongLine:split_on_every_arg=True mode is supported.

Using this configuration (SplitTooLongLine is enabled by default):

robotidy -c AlignTestCasesSection:enabled=True:widths=14,24 --line-length 80 src

will result in the following transformation:

*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    # fits now but it will not fit after the alignment
    Keyword    argument1    argument2    argument3    argument4

    # does not fit before the alignment
    Longer Keyword Name That Could Happen    argument value with sentence that goes over

    # fits, will not be split
    Keyword    argument

Skip formatting

It is possible to use the following arguments to skip formatting of the code:

It is highly recommended to use one of the skip options if you wish to use the alignment but you have part of the code that looks better with manual alignment. It is also possible to use disablers (Disablers) but skip option makes it easier to skip all instances of given type of the code.