
Enforce keyword naming. Title Case is applied to keyword name and underscores are replaced by spaces. It has only basic support for keywords with embedded variables - use it on your own risk.

RenameKeywords is not included in default transformers, that’s why you need to call it with --transform explicitly:

robotidy --transform RenameKeywords src

Or configure enabled parameter:

robotidy --configure RenameKeywords:enabled=True

You can keep underscores if you set remove_underscores to False:

robotidy --transform RenameKeywords -c RenameKeywords:remove_underscores=False .

Library name

By default library name in keyword name is ignored. Anything before the last dot in the name is considered as a library name. Use ignore_library = True parameter to control if the library name part (Library.Keyword) of keyword call should be renamed.

*** Keywords ***

Replace pattern

It is also possible to configure replace_pattern parameter to find and replace regex pattern. Use replace_to to set replacement value. This configuration (underscores are used instead of spaces):

robotidy --transform RenameKeywords -c RenameKeywords:replace_pattern=(?i)^rename\s?me$:replace_to=New_Shining_Name .

replaces all occurrences of name Rename Me` (case insensitive thanks to (?i) flag) to New Shining Name:

*** Keywords ***
rename Me
   Keyword Call

This feature makes this transformer convenient tool for renaming your keywords across Robot Framework project.

Supports global formatting params: --startline and --endline.