
Split too long lines.

SplitTooLongLine is included in the default transformers but it can be also run separately with:

robotidy --transform SplitTooLongLine src

If any line in keyword call exceeds given length limit (configurable using line_length, 120 by default) it will be split.

Keyword With Longer Name    ${arg1}    ${arg2}    ${arg3}  # let's assume that arg2 is at 120 char

Using split_on_every_arg flag (False by default), you can force the formatter to put every argument in a new line:

robotidy --configure SplitTooLongLine:split_on_every_arg=True src
Keyword With Longer Name    ${arg1}    ${arg2}    ${arg3}  # let's assume that arg2 is at 120 char

Supports global formatting params: space_count, --startline and --endline.