
Align variables in *** Variables *** section to columns.

AlignVariablesSection is included in the default transformers but it can be also run separately with:

robotidy --transform AlignVariablesSection src
*** Variables ***
${VAR}  1
...  b=c

Align up to columns

You can configure how many columns should be aligned to longest token in given column. The remaining columns will use fixed length separator length --space_count. By default only first two columns are aligned.

Example of how AlignVariablesSection transformer behaves with default configuration and multiple columns:

*** Variables ***
${VARIABLE 1}  10  # comment
@{LIST}  a  b  c  d
${LONGER_NAME_THAT_GOES_AND_GOES}    longer value that goes and goes

You can configure it to align three columns:

robotidy --configure AlignVariablesSection:up_to_column=3 src
*** Variables ***
${VARIABLE 1}  10  # comment
@{LIST}  a  b  c  d
${LONGER_NAME_THAT_GOES_AND_GOES}    longer value that goes and goes

To align all columns set up_to_column to 0.

Select lines to transform

AlignVariablesSection does also support global formatting params startline and endline:

robotidy --startline 5 --endline 17 --configure AlignVariablesSection:up_to_column=3 src
*** Settings ***
Documentation    This is doc

*** Variables ***
# some comment

${VARIABLE 1}  10  # comment
@{LIST}  a  b  c  d
${LONGER_NAME_THAT_GOES_AND_GOES}    longer value that goes and goes

           &{MULTILINE}  a=b
...  b=c
...         d=1

*** Keywords ***
    Keyword Call