
Align Test Cases to columns.

AlignTestCases is not included in the default transformers that’s why you need to call it with --transform explicitly:

robotidy --transform AlignTestCases src

Or configure enable parameter:

robotidy --configure AlignTestCases:enabled=True

Currently only templated tests are supported. Examples:

*** Settings ***
Test Template    Templated Keyword

*** Test Cases ***    baz    qux
# some comment
test1    hi    hello
test2 long test name    asdfasdf    asdsdfgsdfg
*** Settings ***
Test Template    Dummy

*** Test Cases ***
Test1    ARG1
    [Tags]    sanity
    [Documentation]  Validate Test1
Test2    ARG2
    [Tags]    smoke
    [Documentation]  Validate Test2

Align only test case section with named headers

If you don’t want to align test case section that does not contain header names then configure only_with_headers parameter:

robotidy -c AlignSettingsSection:only_with_hedaers:True <src>

Supports global formatting params: --startline, --endline.