
Normalize section headers names.

Transformer configuration

NormalizeSectionHeaderName is included in the default transformers, but it can be also run separately with:

robotidy --transform NormalizeSectionHeaderName src

You can also disable NormalizeSectionHeaderName:

robotidy --configure NormalizeSectionHeaderName:enabled=False src

Robot Framework is quite flexible with the section header naming. Following lines are equal:

*** SettingS ***

This transformer normalize naming to follow *** SectionName *** format (with plurar variant):

*** Settings ***
*** Keywords ***
*** Test Cases ***
*** Variables ***
*** Comments ***

Optional data after section header (for example data driven column names) is preserved. It is possible to upper case section header names by passing uppercase=True parameter:

robotidy --configure NormalizeSectionHeaderName:uppercase=True src
* setting *
*** SETTINGS ***