
Normalize new lines.

Transformer configuration

NormalizeNewLines is included in the default transformers, but it can be also run separately with:

robotidy --transform NormalizeNewLines src

You can also disable NormalizeNewLines:

robotidy --configure NormalizeNewLines:enabled=False src

Ensure that there is exactly:

  • section_lines = 1 empty lines between sections,

  • test_case_lines = 1 empty lines between test cases,

  • keyword_lines = test_case_lines empty lines between keywords.

Removes empty lines after section (and before any data) and appends 1 empty line at the end of file.

This data is ignored at runtime but should be preserved by Tidy.
*** Variables ***
# standalone      comment
${VALID}          Value
# standalone

*** Test Cases ***

    [Documentation]    This is a documentation
    ...    in two lines
    Some Lines
    No Operation
    [Teardown]    1 minute    args

Test Without Arg
Mid Test
    My Step 1    args    args 2    args 3    args 4    args 5    args 6
    ...    args 7    args 8    args 9    # step 1 comment

*** Keywords ***
    No Operation
Other Keyword
Another Keyword
*** Settings ***
This data is ignored at runtime but should be preserved by Tidy.

*** Variables ***
# standalone      comment
${VALID}          Value
# standalone

*** Test Cases ***
    [Documentation]    This is a documentation
    ...    in two lines
    Some Lines
    No Operation
    [Teardown]    1 minute    args

Test Without Arg

Mid Test
    My Step 1    args    args 2    args 3    args 4    args 5    args 6
    ...    args 7    args 8    args 9    # step 1 comment

*** Keywords ***
    No Operation

Other Keyword

Another Keyword

*** Settings ***

Parameters section_lines, test_case_lines and keyword_lines can be configured to other values:

robotidy --configure NormalizeNewLines:section_lines=3 src
*** Settings ***
Library  Collections

*** Keywords ***
    Log  stuff
*** Settings ***
Library  Collections

*** Keywords ***
    Log  stuff

Consecutive empty lines inside settings, variables, keywords and test cases are also removed (configurable via consecutive_lines = 1).

*** Settings ***

Resource    resource.robot

Default Tags    tag

Documentation    doc

*** Test Cases ***
Test Capitalized

    Pass Execution
*** Settings ***
Resource    resource.robot

Default Tags    tag

Documentation    doc

*** Test Cases ***
Test Capitalized
    Pass Execution

If set to 0 all empty lines will be removed:

robotidy --configure NormalizeNewLines:consecutive_lines=0 src
*** Settings ***

Resource    resource.robot

Default Tags    tag

Documentation    doc

*** Test Cases ***
Test Capitalized

    Pass Execution
*** Settings ***
Resource    resource.robot
Default Tags    tag
Documentation    doc

*** Test Cases ***
Test Capitalized
    Pass Execution

If the suite contains Test Template tests will not be separated by empty lines unless separate_templated_tests is set to True.

*** Settings ***
Test Template    Template For Tests In This Suite

*** Test Cases ***
Test    arg1   arg2
Test Without Arg
Mid Test
    My Step 1    args    args 2    args 3
*** Settings ***
Test Template    Template For Tests In This Suite

*** Test Cases ***
Test    arg1   arg2

Test Without Arg

Mid Test
    My Step 1    args    args 2    args 3

Language header#

Files that begin with the language marker are handled differently. If the section contains only language marker and no more empty lines than the value of section_lines, it will be not transformed. The following examples will not be formatted since the number of empty lines is lower or equal to default value of section_lines:

language: pl
*** Ustawienia ***
language: pl

*** Ustawienia ***

Section will be formatted if it contains more empty lines than section_lines or has statements other than language marker:

language: pl

*** Ustawienia ***
language: pl

*** Ustawienia ***
language: pl
This file contains polish tests.
*** Ustawienia ***
language: pl
This file contains polish tests.

*** Ustawienia ***