External transformers#

It is possible to develop your own transformers. You can use module name (if it is installed in your env) or path to file with class to run external transformers with robotidy:

robotidy --transform MyTransformers.YourCustomTransformer src
robotidy --transform C:\transformers\YourCustomTransformer2.py src
robotidy --load-transformer C:\transformers\YourCustomTransformer2.py src

External transformers can be configured in the same way internal transformers are configured - see Configuring Transformers.

You can use both --transform and --load-transformer options to load custom user transformer. The main difference is that --transform works like include and will only run transformers listed with --transform. While --load-transformer will run default transformers first and then user transformers.

Importing whole modules#

Importing transformers from module works similarly to how custom libraries are imported in Robot Framework. If the the file has the same name as transformer it will be auto imported. For example following import:

robotidy --load-transformer CustomFormatter.py src

will auto import class CustomFormatter from the file.

If the file does not contain class with the same name, it is directory, or it is Python module with __init__.py file Robotidy will import multiple transformers. By default it imports every class that inherits from robot.api.api.parsing.ModelTransformer or robotidy.transformers.Transformer and executes them in order they were imported.

Following __init__.py:

from robotidy.transformers import Transformer

from other_file import TransformerB

class TransformerA(Transformer)

will import TransformerB and TransformerA.

If you want to use different order you can define TRANSFORMERS list in the __init__.py:


Transformer development#

You can use the same syntax robotidy is using for developing internal transformers. Your transformer should inherit from robotidy.transformers.Transformer or robot.api.parsing.ModelTransformer parent class.

from robot.api.parsing import ModelTransformer

class YourCustomTransformer(ModelTransformer):
    This transformer will remove tests with
    word "deprecated" in the test case name
    def visit_TestCase(self, node):
        if 'deprecated' in node.name:
            return None
        return node

Configurable params should be supplied through __init__ together with the type and default value

from robot.api.parsing import EmptyLine, ModelTransformer

class ExternalTransformer(ModelTransformer):
    This transformer add `param` number of empty lines at the end of
    *** Settings *** section.
    def __init__(self, param: int = 10):
        self.param = param

    def visit_SettingSection(self, node):  # noqa
        empty_line = EmptyLine.from_params()
        node.body += [empty_line] * self.param
        return node

ModelTransformer vs Transformer#

Instead of using RobotFramework ModelTransformer class directly, it is possible to inherit from Robotidy Transformer class:

from robotidy.transformers import Transformer

class ExternalTransformer(Transformer):

Transformer also inherits from ModelTransformer but provides more utility methods (and better lint support).