
Behaviour of robotidy can be changed through global options or by configuring specific transformer. To read more about configuring transformer go to Configuring Transformers. To see how to configure robotidy using configuration files see Configuration file.

Command line options

To list robotidy command line options run:

robotidy --help

Ignored paths

Robotidy reads and ignores paths from .gitignore and --exclude. You can overwrite default excludes by using --exclude option. If you want to exclude additional paths on top of those from --exclude and .gitignore use --extend-exclude with pattern:

robotidy --extend-exclude skip_me.robot|some_dir/* .

Note that both exclude and extend-exclude options accept regex patterns. Following configuration is not array with single Tests/ path but regex pattern that excludes paths containing any of the character from the Tests/ set:

exclude = ['Tests/']

To exclude files under Tests directory you need to use pattern Tests/*:

exclude = 'Tests/*'

To parse files listed in .gitignore use --skip-gitignore flag:

robotidy --skip-gitignore .

Target Version

Robotidy can automatically disable transformers that are not supported in target version of Robot Framework. Typical usage is when your environment has Robot Framework >5.0 installed but your source code supports only previous Robot Framework version:

robotidy --target-version rf4 .

It will disable all transformers that require Robot Framework greater than <target-version> to run (even if you have Robot Framework greater than <target-version> installed).

Language support

Robot Framework 6.0 added support for Robot settings and headers translation. Robotidy recognizes language markers in the file but needs to be configured if you have translated file without language marker. You can supply language code or name in the configuration using --language / --lang option:

robotidy --lang fi

Support multiple languages by providing language code/name in comma separated list:

robotidy --lang fi,pt

pyproject.toml file accepts language array:

language = [

Language header in the file is supported by default:

language: pl

* Zmienne * ${VAR} 1

Custom language file is currently not supported.


You can disable formatting in Robot Framework statement or in span of lines using # robotidy: off marker.

To skip the formatting for one statement:

Keyword That Is Longer Than Allowed Line Length  ${arg}  # robotidy: off

To skip multiple lines:

*** Test Cases ***
Test that will be formatted

# robotidy: off
Test that will not be formatted

# robotidy: on
Another test that will be formatted

# robotidy: on marker is used to enable the formatting again - but is not required. # robotidy: off will disable the formatting to the end of the current block:

*** Keywords ***
    Keyword That Is Formatted
    IF    $condition
        # robotidy: off
        Not Formatted
        WHILE    $condition
            Not Formatted

It’s possible to disable the formatting in whole file by putting # robotidy: off on first line:

# robotidy: off
*** Settings ***
Library    Collections

You can also disable the formatting in the whole section if you put # robotidy: off in the section header:

*** Test Cases ***

*** Keywords ***  # robotidy: off
Not Formatted